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St Peter's CE Primary School

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Our School Day

We open our gates at 8.15am and registration opens at 8.30am and closes at 8.40am. Afternoon registration opens at 1pm and closes at 1.05pm. The school day ends at 3pm. We are in school 6.5hours a day or 32.5 hours a week. 

A typical week is as follows: 


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.15-8.30am  Gates open, put away belongings, greet friends, early work
8.30am REGISTRATION Arrival by 8.30am is marked as present. Arrival between 8.30-8.40am is marked as late (L).  Arrival after 8.40am is marked as unauthorised absence in most circumstances (U). 

8.40am - 10am Lesson 1and 2   - Maths or English 

Snack and playtime for Cygnus and Tucana

  Lesson 3 for Phoenix and Pegasus

Cygnus and Phoenix snack play

Lesson 3 Tucana and Pegasus 

10.20am Assembly for all 

Tucana and Pegasus snack and  play

Lesson 3 Cygnus and Phoenix

10.40-11am Snack and playtime for Phoenix and Pegasus   Lesson 3 for Cygnus and Tucana  Lesson 4
11-12 Lesson 4 English or Maths  Lesson 5 

Cygnus and Tucana eat 12-12.30pm and play 12.30-1pm

Phoenix and Pegasus play 12-12.30pm and eat 12.30-1pm



Lesson 6


Lesson 6



Celebration Collective Worship



HOMETIME  - Wrap Around Club runs in two sessions 1) 3-4.30pm and 2) 4.30-6pm incl. light tea. 

 n.b. lessons vary in number or duration depending on many factors. This is an illustrative guide only.