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Geography and History



Geography Curriculum Overview 

Geography Knowledge Skills and Vocabulary Progression  


 Geography is taught in either discrete lessons, or topic lessons that link with other subjects such as Science, Art or English.  We carefully consider how pupils will build on knowledge, not only within a topic but over a series of topics, so that they can apply what they have learned in different scenarios, including during practical fieldwork, mapwork and written work including to geographical questions.  Pupils have opportunities to apply what they have been taught at a later stage of their education, as well learning new disciplinary and procedural knowledge. We have used research from the Geographical Association to help inform our lesson design. 


 Pupils are inspired by the world around them and have a natural curiosity. They apply their skills on residential and look forward to building on their knowledge in their next stage of education.



History Curriculum Overview 

History Skills, Knowledge and Vocabulary Progression 



 History is taught weekly in either discrete lessons or in topic linked lessons that may link with other subjects such as english, art or science. Teaching reflects the relationship between substantive and disciplinary knowledge. At St Peter's, history lessons develop pupils’ historical knowledge and their historical analysis simultaneously. We strive to develop interesting and engaging lessons using research and training, including from the Primary Historical Association.


 Pupils develop a secure mental timeline and are able to recall key historical names and facts. Pupils ask questions about the past and understand how the past can influence the future. They are hungry to find out more and enjoy visiting and handling real historical places and artefacts to help aid their understanding.