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St Peter's CE Primary School

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St Peter's Church

Services in St Peter's Church

The school has strong links with St Peter's Church. Reverend Harry MacInnes is a Governor and plays an active role in the life of the school. Associate vicar; Rev.  Dennis Stamps regularly leads Collective Worship and supports the teaching and learning of RE.

Jayne Lewin and  Jenny Insch are Church Wardens and also  lead Collective Worship in school and attend and support our Church visits and services. They also provide and support extra opportunities for our pupil's spiritual development, such as Prayer Week. 

Family services are held six times a year planned by the school and the local clergy and Church Wardens. The themes of these services include Harvest, Christingle, Candlemas, Mothering Sunday, Easter and St Peter’s Day.

Festivals in the Church year are celebrated by the school each term and special acts of worship are conducted in the Church as a whole school for Harvest, Easter and Christmas and the end of year service.

In addition, classes visit the church as part of their religious education.

Please go to www.12churches.org.uk/services to find out about services being held in the Benefice this month..